Related Organizations

The list below provides information on related web archiving organizations, including university research centers, national libraries, nonprofit organizations, consortiums and other organizations.

University Research Centers

L3S Research Center

The L3S is a research center for basic and applied research in the field of Web Science.

Tetherless World Constellation at Rensselaer 

The Tetherless World Constellation (TWC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is a multitude of multidisciplinary researchers who study principles that underlie the web and develop new technologies to enhance it.

Web Science Institute- The University of Southampton

Web Science Institute will undertake interdisciplinary research to create new knowledge about the impact and direction of the Web.

Annenberg Networks Network- USC Annenberg 

ANN supports a variety of efforts designed to develop social network theory. ANN also sponsors advanced workshops focused on network theory development as well as a seminar series featuring distinguished network scholars from around the world.

Oxford Internet Institute- University of Oxford 

The Oxford Internet Institute is a multidisciplinary research and teaching department of the University of Oxford, dedicated to the social science of the Internet.

CNetS- Indiana University Bloomington 

The Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research (CNetS) is an interdisciplinary research center focusing on research in all areas related to complex networks and systems, computational social science, and data science.

WeST- University of Koblenz-Landau

The Institute for Web Science and Technologies (WeST) investigates the World Wide Web as the most important IT infrastructure of the 21st century. Examining the technical aspects of the Web being an open, global and networked system.

NUS-Tsinghua Extreme Search Centre (NExT)

NExT conducts research in the areas of large-scale live social media content analysis and search, including live event detection, information organization, and the generation of multimedia multilingual analytics for corporations, people, events and locations.

Oxford e-Research Center (OERC)

The University of Oxford’s e-Research Centre is a multidisciplinary applied research department, developing and applying innovative computational and information technology in both academic research and industrial applications.

National Libraries

The Library of Congress

The Library has been archiving born-digital Web content through its Web Archiving program since 2000. Thousands of sites have been preserved in a variety event and thematic Web archives, selected by subject specialists.

New Zealand Web Archive Library

The Library began selecting websites in 1999 and the collection has continued to grow with active development since 2005, reflecting New Zealand’s growing online cultural and historical presence.

Webarchiv- Czech Republic 

Webarchiv is a digital archive of Czech web resources which are collected with the aim of their long-term preservation. The National Library of the Czech Republic has been organizing preservation of these documents since 2000.

PANDORA- Australia’s Web Archive 

PANDORA, Australia’s Web Archive was established by the National Library in 1996 and is a collection of historic online publications relating to Australia and Australians.

National Library of Ireland – NLI Web Archive

Collect, preserve, promote  and make accessible the documentary and intellectual record of the life of Ireland and to contribute to the provision of access to the larger universe of recorded knowledge.

Swiss National Library e-Heveltica Web Archive

The Swiss National Library’s mandate is to collect and archive cultural heritage and make it accessible.

UK Web Archive 

The UK Web Archive contains websites that publish research, that reflect the diversity of lives, interests and activities throughout the UK, and demonstrate web innovation.

National Library of Korea- OASIS Web Archive

OASIS (Online Archiving & Searching Internet Sources) is a project to collect and preserve the current generation of digital intellectual heritage for the future digital generation.

National and University Library in Zagreb – Croatian Web Archive

The Croatian Web Archive is a collection of archived web resources. The objective is to collect and permanently preserve web resources as part of the Croatian cultural heritage.

PADICAT Web Archive of Catalonia

PADICAT is  created by the Biblioteca de Catalunya: the public institution responsible for collecting, preserving and distributing the bibliographic heritage of Catalonia, in Spain.

Nonprofit Organizations

Web Science Trust 

The Web Science Trust (WST) is a charitable body with the aim of supporting the global development of Web Science through a network of world class laboratories known as WSTNet.

Internet Memory Foundation 

Internet Memory Foundation actively supports the preservation of Internet as a new media for heritage and cultural purpose. 

Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional (FCCN) is a non-profit that aids to develop and operate the Portuguese Web Archive since 2007.

The Society of American Archivists

SAA promotes the values and diversity of archives and archivists. We are the preeminent source of professional resources and the principal communication hub for American archivists.


The Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) is a non-profit organization where New York’s libraries and archives come together to learn, share ideas, and collaborate. We work with our membership to develop and maintain essential services throughout New York City and Westchester County.

Association of Canadian Archivists

The ACA will provide strong and diversified professional leadership and support to the Canadian archival community by ensuring openness and transparency, fostering the participation of our members, promoting national and international cooperation, and by developing sustainable and accountable programming and activities.



The mission of the International Internet Preservation Consortium is to acquire, preserve and make accessible knowledge and information from the Internet for future generations everywhere, promoting global exchange and international relations.


With a view to promoting the establishing of a collaborative European research infrastructure for the study of archived web materials the RESAW network — A Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials — was established as a coordinated, self-organizing, and self-financing network.

W3 Consortium

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards.


Through our user friendly web application Archive-It partners can collect, catalog, and manage their collections of archived content with 24/7 access and full text search available for their use as well as their patrons. Content is hosted and stored at the Internet Archive data centers.

Digital Preservation Network 

The Digital Preservation Network (DPN) is a membership organization focused on developing solutions to meet the challenges of long-term preservation of academic and cultural heritage digital assets. The large-scale digital preservation services developed by DPN are built to last beyond the life spans of individuals, technological systems, and organizations.

Additional Organizations and Groups


DocNow responds to the public’s use of social media for chronicling historically significant events as well as demand from scholars, students, and archivists, among others, seeking a user-friendly means of collecting and preserving this type of digital content.

Digital Library Foundation 

The Digital Library Federation is a robust and ever more diverse and inclusive community of practitioners who advance research, learning, social justice, and the public good through the creative design and wise application of digital library technologies.


The LOCKSS Program is an open-source, library-led digital preservation system built on the principle that “lots of copies keep stuff safe.” The LOCKSS system is the first and only mechanism to apply the traditional purchase-and-own library model to electronic materials.